Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse

Web Responsive Design, Design System, Graphic Design, Typography, Prototyping
Project Overview
For my Typography II final assignment, I created an imaginary website & mobile concept for the 2023 Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse movie.
UI/UX Designer
1 month (April 2023)

As our final assignment in my Spring semester 2023 Typography II class, we were tasked with building a digital system. We had to create a single-page website for an event — real or imagined, make a desktop and mobile version and rely on a typographic system that includes headlines, subheadlines, body text, images with captions, and some sort of organized or tabular information such as a schedule, calendar, or chart. As a huge fan of Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse 2018 and the unique animation style, I wanted to use the sequel movie as my subject.


Firstly, I gathered images from the new Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse 2023 movie and from the previous Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse 2018 movie. Then, I established the tone I wanted my designs to hold. I also chose fitting fonts and a vibrant primary color palette. This process helped inspire me and build what kinds of design elements I wanted to highlight. For example, I knew I wanted to include a lot of comic book effects.

Final Desktop Frames